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Dr.Armughan Riaz
M.B.B.S, Dip Card
Consultant Cardiologist


Will Aspirin Lower High Blood Pressure

Can Aspirin ( Disprin) Really Help High Blood Pressure. Some doctors recommend daily Aspirin ( Disprin) for their patients who are affected by high blood pressure. Will Aspirin lower high blood pressure

Will Aspirin Lower High Blood Pressure

The treatment of blood pressure depends a lot on its causing factors. Medications like diuretics, alpha blockers, calcium beta channel blockers, ACE inhibitors etc are given by doctors after the existence and nature of blood pressure in your body is confirmed. Many people do mistake of taking medicines without doctors prescription. This can be a dangerous thing to do because many of these medicines carry side effects. One such common medicine which people take is Aspirin ( Disprin) . Whether it helps in lowering blood pressure or not depends upon the nature of your blood pressure.
If your blood has higher viscosity, i.e. it is thick, chances of you having high blood pressure are high. The heart will exert more pressure to circulate this thick blood throughout the circulatory system. In that case, the doctor may prescribe a combination of medicines in which Aspirin ( Disprin) or clopidogrel  will be included. Its capability to reduce the viscosity of blood is generally acknowledged. But, after a certain period of time it should be stopped. Aspirin ( Disprin)  has some side effects as well which may create problems at a later stage. Once the blood thins down, the doctor will also ask you to stop taking it. If you notice slight improvement while taking one Aspirin ( Disprin)  a day, do not automatically assume that you will experience twice as much improvement if you double the dose. There is definitely an upper limit to how much Aspirin ( Disprin)  you can take per day, and it’s a good idea to determine your therapeutic dose for lowering your blood pressure in conjunction with your physician’s guidance.

Can Aspirin ( Disprin) Really Help High Blood Pressure?

High Blood Pressure and Aspirin ( Disprin)
Some doctors recommend daily Aspirin ( Disprin)  for their patients who are affected by high blood pressure. A recent study indicates that exactly when a patient takes the Aspirin ( Disprin)  is incredibly important for determining how effective it is. If you are currently taking Aspirin ( Disprin)  to help with your blood pressure, the following information will be useful.
Aspirin ( Disprin)  Does Work
The recent study was actually conducted in Spain, however its results were published in the United states. in The Journal of the American College of Cardiology. The study actually focused on patients with mild high blood pressure, which makes sense considering that more severe high blood pressure is usually treated with prescription medications. The study determined that taking Aspirin ( Disprin)  at night has a better impact on lowering blood pressure.

Who should not have aspirin
It’s important to get your doctor’s advice before taking any over-the-counter medications including Aspirin ( Disprin) . If you don’t currently take Aspirin ( Disprin)  but are wondering whether or not it can help your high blood pressure, consult your doctor. There are certain individuals who should not take Aspirin ( Disprin) . Individuals who have certain clotting disorders or who are taking certain medications should not take Aspirin ( Disprin) . Bleeding in the intestines and stomach are possible side effects of Aspirin ( Disprin) .

There are different forms of Aspirin ( Disprin)  available. If you have stomach sensitivities, you might do better with a coated Aspirin ( Disprin)  such as Ecotrin, loprin, ascard, disprin CV etc. Aspirin ( Disprin)  is helpful for individuals who have high blood pressure because they are at increased risk of having a stroke or heart attack.

You should never take Aspirin ( Disprin)  without prescription of your doctor, to regulate blood pressure. The following are the side effects of Aspirin ( Disprin)  if it is taken in high amounts-

•    It causes bleeding in stomach lining. If you are suffering from any sort of duodenal or stomach ulcer, the chances of bleeding are more. If, after taking Aspirin ( Disprin) , you have blood vomiting ( hemetemesis) or have black or blood-laced stools (Malena) or feel pain in the upper abdominal stomach epigastric region, stop taking it and consult your doctor.

•    Some people have also complained of allergic reactions in their body after the intake of  Aspirin ( Disprin) like skin rashes .
If you have asthma and still take Aspirin ( Disprin) , you might face some breathing problems like bronchspasm.


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Musa from Karim
I am having BP of 145/95mmHg. My HB is 16.5 gdl and hematocrit of 53%. I have consultant a physician but he has not advised any medications rather told of life style modifications. I have tried it for last three months but is not working and reading is persitently raised. Will Ascard 75 mg per day help me in reducing this reading?
Posted at 10:36:am 02/18/12
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