High Blood Pressure Symptoms Causes Diet Treatment

Because it matters…Heart disease awareness


Dr.Armughan Riaz
M.B.B.S, Dip Card
Consultant Cardiologist


When To Visit Doctor For High Blood Pressure

When To Visit Doctor For High Blood Pressure, According to a healthcare authority, every 20 year aged and older than that, individual must have a blood pressure checking at least once in two years.

When To Visit Doctor For High Blood Pressure

Whenever a patient visits a doctor, his blood pressure is always checked by the doctor. The main reason for this is that the high blood pressure is required to be a major illness, after development, to pose any symptoms and become a threat. Early screening for high blood pressure can be very vital in its treatment as it saves the person from the deadly consequences of hypertension, which are heart attack, stroke, rupturing of the blood vessels, blindness and memory loss.


it is strongly advised to go to hospital immediately

As described above, high blood pressure is symptomless in early stages, so it is recommended to have regular screening of the blood pressure. But if the symptoms like dull headaches, dizzy spells, and frequent nose-bleedings occur, the indication is towards the danger and the condition is potentially life-threatening. So, it is strongly advised to go to hospital immediately to commence the treatment.

What is high blood pressure?

Blood pressure is the pressure of the ‘fluid’, which is blood in the arteries of the person. When heart contracts, we get systolic pressure and when it relaxes we get diastolic pressure. Overall blood pressure is represented in terms of systolic pressure over diastolic pressure. Normal blood pressure is 120 mm Hg systolic and 80 mm Hg diastolic. This is represented as 120/80. 140/90 is considered to be high and 180/110 is the condition when treatment is required on emergency basis.


Try to attend free clinics if you cannot go to a doctor regularly. Regular health fairs are also arranged by highly qualified and experienced doctors, from where you can get reliable test results and guidance about proper treatment if you are at risk. Alternatively you can keep a home testing machine, bought from a drugstore. But you must take care about the percentage inaccuracy in that machine and it should not be very large, otherwise you will keep on getting wrong results. So, the meter must be properly standardized and you must have an apt understanding of its use.

Regular testing:

According to a healthcare authority, every 20 year aged and older than that, individual must have a blood pressure checking at least once in two years. The sole reason for this is the symptomless nature of the high blood pressure illness in the early stage and deadly consequences later on. This fact poises doctors to check blood pressure of each and every patient, each time they visit.


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John from USA
I am very impressed with your information about high blood pressure on this site
Posted at 7:38:am 11/11/11
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