High Blood Pressure Symptoms Causes Diet Treatment

Because it matters…Heart disease awareness


Dr.Armughan Riaz
M.B.B.S, Dip Card
Consultant Cardiologist


What Diet is Best for High Blood Pressure

What Diet is Best for High Blood Pressure, A good healthy diet can be very crucial for the treatment of high blood pressure as it can reduce the blood pressure of a hypertensive person within 10 to 14 days, which is a very good development.

What Diet is Best for High Blood Pressure

 A good healthy diet can be very crucial for the treatment of high blood pressure as it can reduce the blood pressure of a hypertensive person within 10 to 14 days, which is a very good development. This is a very vital solution to the problem of high blood pressure, although many solutions exist and many have been proposed. The program Dietary Approaches to Stop Hypertension or DASH is a project of NIH and is not something fake or something that is just another simple hypertension reduction measure which is very less effective. This is a fantastic tool to reduce high blood pressure because it can be followed with ease but the gain is fantastic – 10 points reduction in systolic and 5 percent reduction in diastolic pressure, which is just a matter of a few weeks or a month.

Before considering the right things to be eaten, first watch out for the ones which are the trouble-makers with respect to the high blood pressure. These foods are the ones that provide too many calories, sodium, saturated fat and trans fat but very less nutrients. Processed foods and frozen foods are rich in such unhealthy things as well as the snacks and the junk foods. This is the very important aspect of DASH diet to avoid such items. On the other hand it is good to have a diet high in vitamins, fiber, as well as the proteins and other nutrients, which are healthy for the heart – this is the primary objective of DASH diet to make sure the consumption of fresh vegetables, fruits, grains, nuts and legumes, which are rich in above mentioned vital nutrients.

Dairy products must be utilized, provided these are fat free and also for a few times per week, consume fish and poultry with red meet in general avoided. All these measures are for reducing the intake of saturated fats. For unhealthy foods, healthy items do exist, but only needed to be found and then you can enjoy your food, because it is not the requirement to give up all foods that you find tasty and you enjoy, but the requirement is to give up unhealthy food for the betterment of your health. Occasional glass of wine, or a steak or burger must not be a problem, provided you keep their consumption moderate.

Give up smoking and take a lot of exercise and start physical activity along with the DASH diet and you will be feeling very healthy in no time. This is a pure natural way and can be implemented easily.


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