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Because it matters…Heart disease awareness


Dr.Armughan Riaz
M.B.B.S, Dip Card
Consultant Cardiologist


What Are High Blood Pressure Eye Problems

What Are High Blood Pressure Eye Problems, Hypertensive retinopathy is caused when the blood vessels in the retina get damaged due to increased blood pressure, thus causing blurred vision or even blindness in severe cases

What Are High Blood Pressure Eye Problems

 High blood pressure is dangerous because it can lead to serious health complications like heart disease and stroke. Most hypertensive patients are aware of these health risks. However, they are not aware of a condition called hypertensive retinopathy which is also caused by high blood pressure.

The function of our eyes is to collect light which enters it through the pupil. The right amount of light entering is adjusted by the iris which is the coloured part of the eye. Once, light enters the eye, it is focused onto the retina by the lens. The retina is a light sensitive tissue that takes in the light and creates electrical impulses. These impulses then travel along the optic nerve to the brain, which translates those impulses into images. Hypertensive retinopathy is caused when the blood vessels in the retina get damaged due to increased blood pressure, thus causing blurred vision or even blindness in severe cases.


Some people can feel certain symptoms like intense headaches or vision problems

Unfortunately, most people do not experience any symptoms at all and are not diagnosed until they get a routine eye exam. Some people can feel certain symptoms like intense headaches or vision problems.

The first step towards treating hypertension retinopathy is to bring your blood pressure under control. For this purpose, your doctor will try to diagnose and treat the underlying cause of hypertension, which could kidney problem or diabetes.  Prescription drugs will be given to you to stabilize blood pressure immediately. Then, your diet and daily routine will also be observed and changed to suit your condition. In most cases, these steps are adequate in reversing retinopathy.

As it is commonly said, prevention is better than cure. Avoiding hypertension retinopathy is not a very difficult task. All you have to do is maintain your blood pressure level. Avoid sodium, excess fat and sugar in your diet. Quit smoking and excessive drinking as these also contribute towards elevated blood pressure. Exercise as often as possible and find ways to relax yourself every day. Besides these, it is also important to get yourself checked regularly by a doctor so that any medical problems can be caught in their early stages and treated effectively on time.


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