Triglyceride Is Harmful – Facts about the Causes and Effects Of Triglycerides in
the Body
Cholesterol is a very common word these days. However, triglyceride still needs
an introduction as most people are not aware of the fact that maintaining this is as important as
cholesterol or sugar level.
Triglyceride is basically fats that are stored in our bodies. It is created when
we either consume too many fatty foods or drink large volumes of alcohol or when we do both.
What happens is that when we eat and drink unhealthily, our liver becomes overworked and contracts
a condition called fatty liver.
An increased level of triglyceride is found in people who eat a lot of junk
food, processed meats (which make it harder for the body to expel triglyceride), and excess use of
spices and oils. A combination of all these things can raise your triglyceride levels.
Apart from these food items, triglyceride level can also increase due to the age
factor. It is a matter of natural progression that as the body ages, its ability to function
efficiently is affected. It is unable to process bad foods and drinks effectively. Triglyceride is
also harder to expel from the body when it is tired and fatigued.
Another factor that can affect the triglyceride level of the body is genes.
However, the genetic effect is reversible. For example, people who are predisposed to obesity
should start working on maintaining their weight with exercise and proper diet from an early age.
This will also help them in controlling their triglyceride level.
Monitoring your triglyceride level is very important for your well being because
an increased level can lead to heart disease. Thus, if you have any confusion or suspicions
regarding your health status, then consult a doctor as soon as possible.