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Dr.Armughan Riaz
M.B.B.S, Dip Card
Consultant Cardiologist


The Link Between Drinking Water and Managing Your High Blood Pressure

Link Between Drinking Water and Managing Your High Blood Pressure. Water is the most effective way of flushing toxins out of our bodies. These toxins are not the direct cause of hypertension but they can lead to other complications like type 2 diabetes

The Link Between Drinking Water and Managing Your High Blood Pressure

 Water…such a seemingly benign and ordinary thing. We usually forget that water is the most important thing on earth. It is the reason for life. Many people do not realise that it can also be the element that helps you take control of some every day health problems, like high blood pressure. Many latest researches have linked water with the attribute of lowering blood pressure.


Water is the most effective way of flushing toxins out of our bodies.

Water is the most effective way of flushing toxins out of our bodies. These toxins are not the direct cause of hypertension but they can lead to other complications like type 2 diabetes which in result gives rise to high blood pressure.

Besides toxins, it also cleanses our bodies of sodium, which is the main culprit behind increased blood pressure. Today, most of our diet is based on processed food that is full of fat and salt. To make matters worse, we are also living sedentary lives that helps in accumulation of these two ingredients. Again, it is water that comes to our rescue. Drinking adequate amounts of water every day helps our bodies to flush out all the excess salt through our kidneys, thus, enabling us to maintain normal levels of blood pressure.

Another advantage of drinking water is that it keeps our blood vessels elastic, saving our heart from the hard work of pumping blood at a higher pressure. As we grow older, our blood vessels start losing their elasticity. Thus, if we develop the habit of drinking water in good amounts at an early age, we can alleviate this problem.

Drinking lots of water has an additional but an indirect advantage for people with hypertension, especially those who are obese and are trying to lose weight. It is common knowledge that obesity contributes to a higher blood pressure. What water does is that it fills the stomach, reduces the temptation to eat between meals and eventually leads to weight loss. So the more water you drink, the more filled up you will feel and less inclined to eat.
It also helps the body to maintain its balance of blood volume in our bodies. This means that we will have a more balanced level of blood pressure if we drink good amounts of water every day.

These benefits are all good but the question on which their workability depends is that how much water is ‘good’ water? Remember, that drinking too much water can also be unhealthy. If we consume a lot of water, not only sodium and toxins will be washed away but also beneficial minerals like magnesium and potassium. Their loss will leave us confused and weak. This is also a warning to those dieters who will stop eating food and start filling their stomachs only with water. Water, though a life giving substance, is not enough on its own. Your body has many other requirements as well. Do not forget to fulfil them!

Most doctors and dieticians agree that for our bodies to work efficiently, we need to drink at least two litres of water a day. This sets our target of water intake at six to eight glasses.

So, drink adequate water and keep yourselves healthy with normal blood pressure.


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