High Blood Pressure Symptoms Causes Diet Treatment

Because it matters…Heart disease awareness


Dr.Armughan Riaz
M.B.B.S, Dip Card
Consultant Cardiologist


Senior Living and High Blood Pressure

Senior Living and High Blood Pressure, it is highly recommended to adopt these measures because in senior ages you are likely to get hypertensive and doctors won’t prescribe you a medicine as it might make the other health issues more complex

Senior Living and High Blood Pressure

As the person advances into his senior age, his health starts deteriorating even he has been eating healthy food and exercising properly throughout his life. Many problems may arise but the main problem is the hypertension. Hypertension is still a thing to be worried about in senior ages but after the age of 80, high blood pressure is a common thing to be observed, when stage-2 hypertension develops. In this case the systolic pressure rises to 160 mm of Hg and diastolic pressure rises to 120 mm of Hg. Not only stage-2 hypertension, many other health complications do occur to a person after the age of 80, including heart disease, kidney disease, diabetes etc. for which it is important to take medicines and hypertension medicine is known to aggravate such complexities even more, so doctors avoid prescribing hypertension medicine to people over 80 years of age, as this can worsen the situation, instead of improving.

the ways you can compliment your senior living

But still you have to reduce the blood pressure and you know you have to do it without the medicine. But this is also possible by modifying the lifestyle according to the healthy ways. Some of the habits that you must develop are following:

· Keep on exercising and also lose your weight, if you are obese.

· Sodium intake must be reduced significantly.

· Dietary Approaches Stop hypertension (DASH) is a diet which is aimed at increasing the content of grains, fish, poultry, fresh vegetables and fruits consumption and reduce sodium intake. This diet must be adopted.

· Along with many other health benefits, blood pressure is also reduced by the use of Omega-3 fish oil supplements. So you must also take it as well.

So it is highly recommended to adopt these measures because in senior ages you are likely to get hypertensive and doctors won’t prescribe you a medicine as it might make the other health issues more complex.


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