High Blood Pressure Symptoms Causes Diet Treatment

Because it matters…Heart disease awareness


Dr.Armughan Riaz
M.B.B.S, Dip Card
Consultant Cardiologist


Menopause and High blood pressure

Menopause and High blood pressure, Among the more overlooked health consequences of menopause is an increased risk of high blood pressure.

Menopause and High blood pressure


Menopause is described as a stage or condition that marks the transition of a woman from being able to bear children to being unable to do so. Hot flashes, mood swings, depression, memory lapses, heart palpitations, feelings of suffocation, and loss of sex drive are all common conditions that occur during menopause. Among the more overlooked health consequences of menopause is an increased risk of high blood pressure.

The hormonal and biochemical changes of menopause may play a role in high blood pressure.Loss of energy may lead to weight gain, thereby increasing the risk of high blood pressure. Depression, another risk factor for hypertension, afflicts some menopausal women. Some studies report an increase in alcohol consumption and smoking among menopausal and post-menopausal women, both of which are also known risk factors for high blood pressure. Activation of the renin-angiotensin system increased the risk of menopausal women contracting hypertension

To control your blood pressure both before and after menopause, focus on a healthy lifestyle:

* Lose excess weight by regular exercise.
* Eat heart-healthy foods, such as vegetables fruites and whole-grains.
* Reduce the amount of salt in your diet.
* Reduse or avoid alcohol.
* Stop smoking.

If your BP is not controlled by adopting above natural measures then you should consult your doctor for medication.


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