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Dr.Armughan Riaz
M.B.B.S, Dip Card
Consultant Cardiologist


Lower your Blood Pressure with Therapies Based on Sounds With Brainwave Entrainment

Lower your Blood Pressure with Therapies Based on Sounds With Brainwave Entrainment, This method when used in combination with medicines can have a very balancing effect on your blood pressure

Lower your Blood Pressure with Therapies Based on Sounds With Brainwave Entrainment


It is a well known saying that a healthy mind makes a healthy body. The power of mind cannot be denied as it does play a huge role in enabling our bodies to function properly. There are many researches going on that are studying the effect of the mind in curing or treating diseases. For patients suffering from high blood pressure or hypertension, it has been observed that mind can play a prominent role in reducing the effects of this condition on the body. According to the brainwave entrainment method, it is possible to control mind with special sounds to get a desired result. In simpler terms, it is a kind of meditation that can help you in reducing your blood pressure.

Basically, brainwave entrainment consists of listening to special sounds on MP3. These sounds will relax Amygdale and Hypothalamus regions of the brain that control vasoconstriction, fear and fight or flight response. Resultantly, the body falls into a mode of deep relaxation, causing the blood vessels to dilate and increasing the circulation. Then muscles will relax, pains and aches would decrease and blood pressure will also come down. For a quick lowering of blood pressure, a session 15 minutes is enough. However, for the brain to learn long-term self-healing, a session of 45 minutes would be more effective.

For the session, it is better to sit in a comfortable position on a chair or to lie down. Choose a room that is free of outside noise and distractions. When the session starts, close your eyes and try to relax. Make sure that you are not driving or operating machinery when you listen to these sounds as they can make you fall asleep.

This method when used in combination with medicines can have a very balancing effect on your blood pressure. Regular training of brainwave entrainment can, in fact, keep your blood pressure lowered for several days or even permanently. Eventually, this form of treatment can also help you in reducing the amount of medicine you take. It has no side effects and you can have the sessions easily at home.


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