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Dr.Armughan Riaz
M.B.B.S, Dip Card
Consultant Cardiologist


Link Between High Blood Pressure and Vitamin D

Link Between High Blood Pressure and Vitamin D, Vitamin D has absolutely no connection with blood pressure. But, if recent studies are to go by, there could actually be a relationship between the two.

Link Between High Blood Pressure and Vitamin D


can you spot a relationship between the two? Perhaps not! Vitamin D has always been associated with the formation of healthy bones and teeth, something that has absolutely no connection with blood pressure. But, if recent studies are to go by, there could actually be a relationship between the two.

High Blood Pressure and Vitamin D

Recent ongoing research states that Vitamin D can play an essential role in regulating the blood pressure and may help promote better heart health. Studies have shown that a blood pressure increase is common during the winter season. Also, places far from the equator show high cases of blood pressure. This can be attributed to lack of sunlight in both the cases, which means lesser amount of Vitamin D production in the body.


Further on, both the blood vessels and the heart have a large number of Vitamin D receptors. This means that the vitamin does play some significant role in regulating the two. However, what exactly these receptors do is a question that still needs to be answered.

Several studies have indicated that Vitamin D may actually help lower blood pressure. For instance, one study revealed that administering Vitamin D could help bring down both, systolic and diastolic blood pressure in adults. The same study also revealed that Vitamin D when administered along with calcium can help bring down the blood pressure levels even further. However, this was effective only in people with a high calcium level.

Despite continuous research, the relationship between Vitamin D and blood pressure has not been fully decoded. In some cases, the action of Vitamin D seems to contradict itself whereas in other cases the data cannot be completely interpreted.

Nonetheless, there is no harm in increasing your Vitamin D intake. After all, it may offer some benefits in regulating your blood pressure. Besides, it offers a host of other benefits too. It encourages the formation of bone tissue and production of cells in the immune system. Besides, this vitamin is also responsible for regulating the body's immune function.

But, this in no way suggests the use of Vitamin D supplements. The dietary intake of this Vitamin is enough to avoid conditions associated with high blood pressure as a result of lack of Vitamin D. The trick is to take this vitamin in a balanced way. You can include foods like milk, cereal, tuna, eggs and mushroom to up your vitamin D intake. A healthy and well balanced diet is all that you need to provide your body with adequate amounts of this vitamin.


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