High Blood Pressure Symptoms Causes Diet Treatment

Because it matters…Heart disease awareness


Dr.Armughan Riaz
M.B.B.S, Dip Card
Consultant Cardiologist


Know About Low Blood Pressure Readings

Know About Low Blood Pressure Readings,  A normal blood pressure is indicated by a reading of 120/90 mm Hg. Any reading too low than this range will be considered low blood pressure

Know About Low Blood Pressure Readings


A blood pressure reading consists of two very important numbers. One is the systolic number and the other is diastolic.

Systolic pressure is based on the pressure exerted on the walls of the blood vessels when the heart beats. It is normally between 100 to 130 mm Hg. The reading of the pressure between heart beats is called diastolic and it is usually between 70 to 90 mm Hg. A normal blood pressure is indicated by a reading of 120/90 mm Hg. Any reading too low than this range will be considered low blood pressure and any reading too higher than this limit is considered high blood pressure.

The general conception is that only high blood pressure is a serious problem. Low blood pressure is usually seen in people who exercise, do not smoke or drink alcohol. This is a desirable situation. It only becomes undesirable when the blood pressure is severely low as it is also a major health risk.

When the blood pressure is very low, the blood is not circulated in the body sufficiently and organs remain hungry for blood. The first organ to be affected by this low blood supply is the brain. Hence, people with hypotension usually experience dizzy spells or fainting. Since, the organs are undersupplied and the cells do not receive enough oxygen to work, the body feels weak and tired. Another serious consequence of hypotension is the accumulation of waste products in the blood stream.

Our organs and cells in the body get oxygen from blood. If proper amount of blood is not supplied, then our bodies will not function efficiently. Therefore, it is necessary to maintain normal blood pressure levels, which is not that difficult a task. You should keep your body well hydrated, eat a nutritious diet and make exercise a consistent part of your daily routine. These would ensure that your cardiovascular system is working happily!

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Clara from CxhkwFLAW
IJWTS wow! Why can't I think of tinhgs like that?
Posted at 5:03:pm 12/14/11
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