High Blood Pressure Symptoms Causes Diet Treatment

Because it matters…Heart disease awareness


Dr.Armughan Riaz
M.B.B.S, Dip Card
Consultant Cardiologist


How You Can Avoid Foods That Cause High Blood Pressure

How You Can Avoid Foods That Cause High Blood Pressure, Most patients are prescribed medicines along with changes in their diet. These changes consist of keeping an eye on sodium intake as it is one of the key factors in high blood pressure.

How You Can Avoid Foods That Cause High Blood Pressure

High blood pressure is a common condition caused by various factors. It can be due to thyroid dysfunction, kidney disease, tumours, obesity, pregnancy or use of birth control pills. Another very important cause of hypertension is an improper diet, something that most people know about but hardly ever pay attention to.

In hypertension, the heart pumps faster than its normal rate. It is indicated by headaches, dizzy spells and nose bleeds. Unfortunately, these symptoms do not appear until the situation is quite worse. It is, therefore, better to check regularly one's blood pressure so that any fluctuations can be caught as soon as possible because it can be a potentially dangerous condition.

Most patients are prescribed medicines along with changes in their diet. These changes consist of keeping an eye on sodium intake as it is one of the key factors in high blood pressure. The recommended amount of sodium intake is 1500 to 2400 mg a day. There can be slight variations in this limit from person to person which only a doctor would be able to ascertain. Processed and prepared foods should be avoided as these constitute 77% of sodium intake of a person. Furthermore, using sea salt is a good alternative for sprinkling actual salt on the meal.

According to studies, besides salt, too much of sugar can also result in high blood pressure. When the body is given high amount of sugar, it eventually becomes insulin resistant. This is another reason why processed food should be avoided as it contains alot of sugar. In order to fulfil the sugar requirements of the body, eat fruits and vegetables which are natural sources of sugar.

People who are overly fond of drinking alcohol would mostly have high blood pressure. Excessive drinking can lead to obesity, which in turn is a major cause of high blood pressure. Alcohol is not only high in calories but also has various other health risks, for instance addiction. Hence, people who are trying to lower their blood pressure need to drink in moderate amounts. Various studies have shown that cutting back on your alcohol intake can reduce your blood pressure by 2 to 4 mm Hg.

Too much of coffee or caffeine rich drinks should also be avoided by hypertensive patients. Caffeine is responsible for the adrenaline rush in our bodies and acts as a stimulant that increases activity in our bodies. Thus, high amounts of caffeine will result in increasing our blood pressure levels as well. One drink of caffeine, whether in the form of coffee or soda, is enough for a person. Energy drinks also work on the same principle and should be avoided completely. If you want energy, there are natural and healthier ways of getting it!


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