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Dr.Armughan Riaz
M.B.B.S, Dip Card
Consultant Cardiologist


How to Use Ginger to Lower Blood Pressure | Ginger and Hypertension

How to Use Ginger to Lower Blood Pressure, You can either use fresh ginger or ginger products. But make sure that you buy products from reliable manufacturers and also make sure that the product has a sufficient amount of ginger in it.

How to Use Ginger to Lower Blood Pressure | Ginger and Hypertension

 High blood pressure is a common complaint these days. The good news is that it can be easily controlled with natural remedies. Research has shown that the reducing the use of sodium in the diet of hypertensive patients is useful for bringing down their blood pressure. Instead flavouring their meals with salt, they can use ginger which is more advantageous for them.


Ginger is a good substitute for salt.

If you are plagued by a high blood pressure, then you must stop using salt in your diet. The less salt you consume, the better your blood pressure becomes. Ginger is a good substitute for salt. It has a strong spicy taste that will eliminate your desire for salt. It is an important part of Asian dishes and used as a seasoning of salads, soups, meats all over the world.

If you do not like the taste of ginger, then use it combination with other beneficial herbs and spices. For instance, you can mix ginger with garlic or hot peppers. This will expose your taste buds to an oriental flavour and experience.

You can either use fresh ginger or ginger products. But make sure that you buy products from reliable manufacturers and also make sure that the product has a sufficient amount of ginger in it.

You can also take suggestions from your pharmacist who can recommend a good brand or store for buying health-food products. If you are going to have a surgery or undergoing any other medical procedure, remember to inform your doctor about the use of ginger as it could interfere with other medications.

You can also control your blood pressure by drinking ginger tea daily. To prepare it, peel and cut fresh ginger root into 10 to 15 slices. Add these slices to 4 cups of water and boil them for 15 minutes on medium heat. After this time, let the ginger water cool down for 5 minutes. Pour it into a cup after straining it, add a lemon wedge and 1 teaspoon of honey for sweetness and your ginger tea is ready to drink. For healthy results, drink this tea twice a day.

Ginger is not only good for you but also for other people. Hence, make it an important part of your meals. When others are also following a diet similar to yours, you will be encouraged to keep it up and this in turn would help you in controlling your blood pressure in the long term.


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linda from ebere
Am about six weeks pregnant, I had PIH in my two previous pregnancies, I don\'t want to experience it again cos I want to have normal delivery and not CS, advice me on wht to b doing so dat I wil not have d past experience, do I need any form of medication, advice me.
Posted at 11:53:pm 05/20/12
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