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Dr.Armughan Riaz
M.B.B.S, Dip Card
Consultant Cardiologist


How to Lower Triglycerides and Protect Yourself against Heart Disease

How to Lower Triglycerides and Protect Yourself against Heart Disease, If you are trying to lower your triglycerides then it is time to bid farewell to saturated fats. No more regular sour cream or cream cheese.

How to Lower Triglycerides and Protect Yourself against Heart Disease

When we eat food, the fat that is contained in it is processed by the liver and distributed in the body through blood. This processed fat is called triglyceride and this is how fat exists in our body. Our blood always has some level of triglycerides in it. Like all other substances in our body, triglyceride levels need to be kept under normal range because high levels can lead to heart disease and various other health issues associated with high cholesterol. The most common reason for increase in triglycerides is the consumption of excess calories that store fat in the body.

Most people would know how to control cholesterol but there will be very few people who know about triglyceride and the methods of keeping it under control. The most sensible way to lower triglyceride is by adopting a healthier lifestyle. By this it is meant that your eating habits should be healthy, you should exercise more, get rid of harmful habits like smoking and excess drinking, and inculcate the habit of staying positive and happy. Hence, a person has to change his overall life and behaviour

The first step should be towards creating good eating practices. If you are trying to lower your triglycerides then it is time to bid farewell to saturated fats. No more regular sour cream or cream cheese. Instead, eat low fat or fat free products. It would also be preferable to reduce the amount of sugar intake. Switch to sugar free or low sugar food items. These will reduce your calorie intake considerably. Foods that are rich in fibre should be eaten such as fruits and vegetables. You can also eat whole grain foods like oatmeal and natural cereal. Drinking too much alcohol also has an adverse effect on triglyceride levels. Hence, it is advised to limit alcohol to only one drink a day.

The second step towards making an overall change in life includes being more physically active. Exercise is something that has been forgotten in this technological time. Every thing is done by some sort of machine. However, our body is also a machine that needs regular workout or it would become jammed. Thus, incorporate as much exercise as possible. Try walking, jogging or any other form of activity that will not only make your body but also your mind fit and healthy.

Avoiding stress is also vital for your overall well being. Of course, living in a fast world, avoiding tension is next to impossible but you can try spending a little time every day in doing something that relaxes you. Remember, a healthy mind makes for a healthy body.

All the methods of maintaining a normal triglyceride level are simple and do not require any super human efforts to implement. By keeping your triglyceride level under control, you are saving your self from a lot of serious problems.


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