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Dr.Armughan Riaz
M.B.B.S, Dip Card
Consultant Cardiologist


How to Follow the Mediterranean Diet Meal Plan

How to Follow the Mediterranean Diet Meal Plan, Mediterranean Sea like Italians, Greek etc live a longer life then Americans and Europeans. The reason for this is their diet which is based heavily on the use of olive oil, legumes, nuts and vegetables.

How to Follow the Mediterranean Diet Meal Plan

 It is no secret that people from areas surrounding the Mediterranean Sea like Italians, Greek etc live a longer life then Americans and Europeans. The reason for this is their diet which is based heavily on the use of olive oil, legumes, nuts and vegetables. Medical researchers have observed that such a diet reduces the risk of heart disease, decreases low-density lipoprotein (LDL) or bad cholesterol and lowers blood pressure. Hence, people with all these conditions are suggested to go on the Mediterranean diet, which follows the traditional Mediterranean style cooking.

Mediterranean people eat an average of 9 servings daily of fresh fruits and vegetables like apples, bananas, baby carrots, cooked tomatoes which are good for prostate cancer and grapes. These not only constitute as a healthy meal but also a delicious one! Thus, Mediterranean diet includes generous helpings of fruits and vegetables that are rich in anti-oxidants.


Another important part of the Mediterranean diet is bread.

Another important part of the Mediterranean diet is bread. You should eat whole grain products in your diet. Use flavoured olive oil as a taste enhancer rather than butter on your whole-wheat bread. Eat a handful of nuts as these are high in healthy monounsaturated fats. Walnuts, almonds, hazel nuts and pecans are all good if taken in limited amounts as their high healthy fat content makes them also high in calories.

Olive oil or canola oil is also part of the Mediterranean diet. For the least processed forms of these oils, buy those with the ‘virgin’ or ‘extra virgin’ varieties. These are very beneficial for the heart. Use fresh herbs and spices for extra flavouring. Instead of salt, sprinkle oregano, thyme or rosemary on your meal. Fresh garlic also provides a unique flavour to the meal besides working as an antioxidant and an antibiotic in its raw form.

The Mediterranean diet cannot be complete without the use of fish. It is abundant in omega 3 fatty acids and is very effective in lowering triglyceride levels and also in improving the overall condition of blood vessels. Wild salmon, herring and mackerel are especially heart-healthy choices.

You can also drink red wine in small quantities as it is believed to lower the risk of heart disease. For women, the recommended amount is 5 ounces while for men it is 10 ounces.

The purpose of a diet should be to allow you to eat your favourite foods but in a healthy way. Prepare tasty meals that consist of grains, fruits, vegetables and fish. Many recipes can be found online if you want variety. Remember, diets only work if you are following them with an optimistic frame of mind. So be positive, and be healthy!


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