High Blood Pressure Symptoms Causes Diet Treatment

Because it matters…Heart disease awareness


Dr.Armughan Riaz
M.B.B.S, Dip Card
Consultant Cardiologist


Home Remedy for High Blood Pressure

Home Remedy for High Blood Pressure,  The best way to regulate blood pressure is through natural remedies. Some of these simple ways are

Home Remedy for High Blood Pressure


The force with which heart pumps the blood into the arteries is known as blood pressure. It can increase due to stress, which is a very common cause these days, obesity, high intake of sodium and hormonal changes in women. If untreated, it can lead to heart disease, strokes, injury to the brain and eyes and kidney failure. Hence, maintaining blood pressure at a normal level is very important.

The best way to regulate blood pressure is through natural remedies. Some of these simple ways are:

1.    Garlic has been known to be quite effective for treating high blood pressure. You can either chew or swallow a clove of garlic with water on an empty stomach daily and notice the favourable changes. You can also take garlic rolled in raisins.

2.    Amla juice and honey are also beneficial in high blood pressure. Take one tablespoon of each in the morning.

3.    To lower an occasional increase in blood pressure, drink half a cup of warm water in which one teaspoon of cayenne pepper has been added.

4.    Watermelon seeds and khashkhas (poppy seeds) are also very good for controlling blood pressure. Take equal proportions of both seeds and grind them into powdery form. Take a teaspoon of this powder everyday on an empty stomach in the morning and evening.

5.    Spiegel seeds are also good remedy for hypertension. Mix them in one or two teaspoons of curd.

6.    Another way to get rid of blood pressure problems is to make a powder of equal proportions of fennel seeds, cumin seeds and sugar. Mix one teaspoon of this mixture in a glass of water and drink it twice a day.

7.    One teaspoon of fenugreek seeds taken with water for 10 to 15 days twice a day will be very beneficial for hypertension patients.

8.    Four leaves of basil and two of neem with two to four teaspoonfuls of water, on an empty stomach are effective as well.

9.    Fresh papaya eaten on an empty stomach for a month also helps in lowering blood pressure.

10.    Another natural way to lower blood pressure is to drink a mixture of juice of half a lemon into 100 grams of water.

11.    Taking two tablespoons of orange juice and honey combined in equal proportions twice a day will help in maintaining blood pressure.

12.    Those who love baked potatoes, lowering their blood pressure should not be a hassle.

13.    Dip 25 to 30 curry leaves in a cup of water and then strain it. Drink this in the morning to lower blood pressure. In order to add a flavour, you can also include lime juice in it.

14.         Walking barefoot for15 to 20 minutes daily on green grass has a good therapeutic effect on patients of hypertension because this improves blood circulation.

15.    Putting a hot compress over the heart is also an unconventional method of treating high blood pressure.


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