High Blood Pressure Symptoms Causes Diet Treatment

Because it matters…Heart disease awareness


Dr.Armughan Riaz
M.B.B.S, Dip Card
Consultant Cardiologist


Foods To Avoid With High Blood Pressure

Foods To Avoid With High Blood Pressure, if you do not cut them from your list and continue their use, you will find a lot of other items besides these being deleted from the food list. If you want to keep enjoying your favourite foods, then eat them in moderation and exercise as well.

Foods To Avoid With High Blood Pressure

 Most patients fear going to the doctor for hypertension because they know that the first thing that doctors will cut down is their list of food items. While, they are advised to avoid certain foods, this list surely has many other options for them to choose from.

The items that will be deducted from the list of a hypertensive include foremost sodium.

avoiding table salt is the first step

This means that avoiding table salt is the first step. However, sodium is not just table salt. It is also found in a lot of foods, for instance lunch meats. Hence, hot dogs and baloney are right there on the no-list of hypertension patients with table salt. Instead, they are recommended to eat lower sodium turkey cuts that are easily available and taste good as well.

Salt is also hidden in most of the food items sold at fast food chains. Their numerous deals and combos may look appetising but they are rich not only in salt but also fats, two things that are not at all good for high blood pressure. Thus, your visits to these places need to be cut down considerably as well!

The next item to be cut from your list of foods is alcohol. A beer or two once in a while is not harmful but making it a habit is. Alcoholism is one of the causes of hypertension. Hence, the next time hypertensive patients pop open a can of beer, they need to make sure that it is also their last one for the day, or even better, for a week!

No doubt, while reading this, patients of high blood pressure are complaining that the list of items they have to delete from their diet is getting longer and longer. However, there is just one more ingredient left that they need to avoid and that is sugar. For people who are on any type of special diet, sugar is nothing but trouble. It is just an empty pack of sweet promises that delivers nothing but calories. If you want to fill your stomach, and not your calorie intake, replace sugary foods with high fibre foods. Bran cereals are much healthier for hypertensive patients than sugary cereals.

If you are lucky and careful, these are the only things that you will have to avoid. However, if you do not cut them from your list and continue their use, you will find a lot of other items besides these being deleted from the food list. If you want to keep enjoying your favourite foods, then eat them in moderation and exercise as well.


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