High Blood Pressure Symptoms Causes Diet Treatment

Because it matters…Heart disease awareness


Dr.Armughan Riaz
M.B.B.S, Dip Card
Consultant Cardiologist


Foods That Lower Blood Pressure

Foods That Lower Blood Pressure, Including these items in your diet will help you with your blood pressure problems. Take them in moderation along with your medication on consistent basis because taking them once in a while is not going to be very effective.

Foods That Lower Blood Pressure

 When the heart is overworked, there is unusual interior tissue growth. This causes obstruction in the passage of blood, thus increasing the blood pressure. This is called hypertension or high blood pressure in layman’s term. It can eventually thicken the heart muscle and make it weaker. A reading of 120/80 is considered normal blood pressure and anything too high from this will fall under the category of hypertension. A big problem with hypertension is that its early signs are not decipherable and the patient becomes aware of it only when he develops other health complications. In some cases a person may experience nausea, headaches, dizziness, irregular heart beating and heart palpitations.

Hypertension is a potentially dangerous condition as it can lead to other acute long term problems like chronic heart disease, stroke, kidney failure and heart attacks. Thus, getting yourself checked for hypertension regularly is vital. If you are suffering from it, then the doctor will prescribe certain medicines and also suggest making some changes in your diet plan. He will most definitely tell you about the food items that are beneficial in lowering blood pressure, for example:


food items that are beneficial in lowering blood pressure

•    Spinach, unsalted sunflower seeds and beans: All these food items are rich in magnesium and potassium, two ingredients that play a vital role in lowering blood pressure.

•    Dark Chocolate: Who doesn’t love chocolate? Now you have an excuse to eat dark chocolate as it is also beneficial in reducing blood pressure. Consuming 30 calories each day will help you to do that without gaining weight.

•    Skim milk: It fulfils the body’s requirement of calcium and vitamin D, two essential nutrients for reducing blood pressure. They can lower pressure from 3 to 10 percent, lessening your chances of getting cardiovascular disease by 15 percent ultimately.

•    Banana, baked potato and soybeans: These foods are rich in potassium which helps in lessening sodium levels in the body. Thus, reducing blood pressure.

Including these items in your diet will help you with your blood pressure problems. Take them in moderation along with your medication on consistent basis because taking them once in a while is not going to be very effective.


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