Coronary angioplasty bypass surgery CABG and restenosis
Atherosclerosis is the build-up of clots, dead tissues, cholesterol etc. in the
artery and if it occurs in the coronary artery it causes heart attack, heart failure. As treatment,
angioplasty, and bypass surgery or CABG is used. Angioplasty is opening clogged arteries with a
stent, and CABG is grafting of a leg vein to a coronary artery. Both these surgical methods are not
the treatment actually! In other words these are not the permanent solution to the problem.
Many a time’s people do have more problems after having surgery than before it.
Coronary Angioplasty
Coronary angioplasty, as described earlier, is not a permanent solution to the
problem and usually the artery, which was gone under the process, becomes a clogged artery and that
too in the same spot. This process is called restenosis.
The seriousness of the problem can be judged from the fact that in a study
carried out on 510 patients, undergone coronary angioplasty, and 39% of them developed restenosis.
This is a serious concern and the medical science understands and people are working to sort out a
complete and permanent solution to the problem, though they are yet to be successful.
One thing must be mentioned here is that please do not hesitate in emergency
angioplasty because when you are on the table having a heart attack it can do three important
Save your life
Restore blood flow immediately
Prevent further heart damage
Bypass Surgery:
In this process, a blood vessel from the leg is cut out and grafted into the
artery in the heart to create a bypass and hence restore the blood flow. Although this process is
more successful considering the restenosis than in stenting via angioplasty, it still has very
similar poor results. Atherosclerosis remains where it was and like it affected the coronary artery
before bypass, it will block the artery after the bypass because it affects the whole system. This
makes the bypass blocked as well and so many timely surgeries are required.
This is not the end of the story and it is highly recommended to avoid the
surgery to the last limit, which is when you’re life is in danger due to some serious illness, like
myocardial infarction. It is found that almost 5 percent of the patients die during the surgery or
within 2 weeks of it and some of them expire within 90 days of the procedure. Preventing or
reversing atherosclerosis is the actual long-term and permanent solution and so you must learn how
to prevent or reverse atherosclerosis.