High Blood Pressure Symptoms Causes Diet Treatment

Because it matters…Heart disease awareness


Dr.Armughan Riaz
M.B.B.S, Dip Card
Consultant Cardiologist


Can I Die From High Blood Pressure

Can I Die From High Blood Pressure, The consequences of crisis hypertension are even worse than chronic hypertension. These include serious complications like stroke, pulmonary edema, seizures and heart attack

Can I Die From High Blood Pressure

 Hypertension or high blood pressure is a condition in which your blood pressure reading is higher than 140/90 on a continuous basis. You have a hypertension crisis on your hand if your blood pressure is higher than 180/110. Maybe because hypertension has become such a common part of life these days that people do not take it seriously any more or do not consider it as dangerous as other diseases. However, both chronic hypertension and hypertensive crisis can result in death if remedial steps are not taken immediately.

Can I Die From High Blood Pressure

Chronic hypertension is the condition where high blood pressure, which is a level higher than 140/90, lasts for many years. It can gradually cause damage to the arteries and weaken the heart muscle. Hypertensive crisis is the situation when blood pressure can increase suddenly. It can lead to death with in a few hours if there are other complications.

Headaches, dizziness and nosebleeds are some of the symptoms of chronic hypertension. Hypertensive crisis is indicated by severe headache, feelings of anxiety and difficulty breathing.
Due to chronic hypertension, arteries become susceptible to cholesterol blockages because these and blood vessels become stiffer. Cholesterol blockages increase the chances of heart attack in a person. The consequences of crisis hypertension are even worse than chronic hypertension. These include serious complications like stroke, pulmonary edema, seizures and heart attack. Medications such as thiazide diuretics, beta blockers and ACE inhibitors are used to treat chronic high blood pressure. However, a hypertensive crisis requires emergency treatment which is based on either oral or stronger IV medication.


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