High Blood Pressure Symptoms Causes Diet Treatment

Because it matters…Heart disease awareness


Dr.Armughan Riaz
M.B.B.S, Dip Card
Consultant Cardiologist


Best Exercises for Lowering High Blood Pressure

Best Exercises for Lowering High Blood Pressure, Different types of exercises are available for controlling blood pressure. The most suitable is aerobic activity which includes walking, jogging, swimming or bicycling.

Best Exercises for Lowering High Blood Pressure


One of the best ways to manage blood pressure is exercise. Physical activity helps in strengthening the heart so that it can pump blood with much less effort.  Those whose blood pressure remains within limits can exercise to maintain the normal level, thus saving themselves from various cardiac diseases. Those who have high blood pressure can lower it with exercise and avoid medications. Even people with very high blood pressure levels can benefit as they can decrease their dosage of medicine with exercise.

Different types of exercises are available for controlling blood pressure. The most suitable is aerobic activity which includes walking, jogging, swimming or bicycling. The American Heart Association recommends at least 30 minutes of exercise daily. This exercise can be doe anywhere whether at home, in the gym or outdoors.

In order to get a more toned body safely and effectively, doctors will recommend a resistance training program but with some moderations.

 This is because resistance training on the whole has not been proven to be very effective in lowering blood pressure. In fact, it can even raise it dangerously if certain things are not kept in mind. It is advised to participate in a strength training routine by including lower weights. This means weights should not exceed 10 lbs at a time.

No matter what type of exercise you prefer, it is better and safer to visit a doctor and discuss the various exercise options with him. Patients of high blood pressure will be advised keeping in minds their overall health condition. Generally, a workout session should make you sweat but not so much that you are unable to carry on a conversation throughout the exercise. Do not begin or stop the exercise routine suddenly. Perform a warm-up and cooling down session before finishing the work out session in order to avoid any muscle damage. Any exercise routine will only be beneficial if it is done regularly. If you do it for a few weeks and then leave it once your blood pressure is under control, this is not going to be very effective because your blood pressure can increase again. Hence, try to exercise consistently.


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