High Blood Pressure Symptoms Causes Diet Treatment

Because it matters…Heart disease awareness


Dr.Armughan Riaz
M.B.B.S, Dip Card
Consultant Cardiologist


An extensive overview of High Blood Pressure

An extensive overview of High Blood Pressure, High blood pressure increases with age and as the people reach the middle-ages, the incidence of high blood pressure increases.


An extensive overview of High Blood Pressure

High blood pressure increases with age and as the people reach the middle-ages, the incidence of high blood pressure increases. Inherent disorders like kidney illness are the cause of hypertension in children. Although menopause increases the likelihood of females getting hypertension, males are more prone to have hypertension than females. Talking about USA, Caucasians and Mexican Americans are on less risk than the natives and African Americans and overall one-third of the American adults are hypertensive!

To prevent your health being harmed by the high blood pressure, it is highly recommended that you keep a check on your blood pressure by measuring it recurrently whether you are feeling fine or not and have medical checkups on a regular basis. This is the most dangerous aspect of hypertension that the illness is symptomless and most of the affected people only come to know when a sudden pain starts in various parts of the body and gets the patient with surprise.

Diagnosing the high blood pressure condition:

To diagnose high blood pressure condition, the doctors usually asks the patient for at least three visits to him and he measure the blood pressure of the patient and if the blood pressure is found to be higher than 140/90, which is recognized as high blood pressure, for 2 times of, then it means that the patient’s blood pressure is high and he might be in potential dangers from high blood pressure. If the blood pressure is found to be under 130/85 then the person is thought to be in normal condition.  Diagnosis is made and the treatment and therapy is begun right away if the condition is severe, which is identified by the organ failure indicators.

Prevention and therapy:

The first and the foremost requirement is that you keep your blood pressure being monitored regularly so that you know where you stand. The high blood pressure is a disease that usually does not go once it comes and the person usually has to live the rest of his life with this. But this condition can be avoided, for which you need self-control and determination, which are very important. Smoking, drinking, eating junk foods and stressing you are bad habits and can trigger high blood pressure, so these must be avoided and healthy lifestyle must be adopted, consisting of good diet and regular exercise. Drinking tea, using herbal medicine and doing home remedies are some of the other best options available.


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