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Dr.Armughan Riaz
M.B.B.S, Dip Card
Consultant Cardiologist


American Diabetes Association volunteers

American Diabetes Association volunteers, Cure, care and commitment; these are the American Diabetes Association’s mission-vision. ADA is committed to help those who are suffering from diabetes and make their life colorful by providing proper treatment to them

American Diabetes Association volunteers

People who care for others, who live for others and sacrifice their comfort for the mankind are the ones who are eligible of being called successful. These people feel happy to selflessly help others, who are in trouble, and realize that wealth accumulation and achievement of personal goals, is not the real success and objective of life.


Why become a volunteer for American Diabetes Association?

If you are helpless and are unable to make the life of your loved ones better, who are victims of diabetes, then you are welcomed to join American Diabetes Association, provided that you do not compromise any good work for another non-profit organization.

It is not compulsory that you only join American Diabetes Association, but if you have no specific foundation to join on your priority list and you want to fight diabetes to make life of people around you and life of your own healthy, then you may join American Diabetes Association, preferably.

A brief history of American Diabetes Association

Cure, care and commitment; these are the American Diabetes Association’s mission-vision. ADA is committed to help those who are suffering from diabetes and make their life colorful by providing proper treatment to them. Not only this, ADA is also loyal for the assistance of those people who live for others, who dedicated their lives for the betterment of humanity, those who regularly attend and help diabetics.

With presence over 800 communities across the USA, the American Diabetes Association has contributed $200 million, since its existence in 1940 – the greatest after the US government itself. ADA has made a life-long obligation to care for diabetics and finding an operative and perpetual cure intended for the ailment.

Why is it important to help people with diabetes?

Seven percent of the total population of USA suffers from diabetes, one-third of who even don’t know about the dangerous status of their health. This can cause serious and life-threatening complications to the health. To avoid these dangers, early and appropriate treatment is necessary, which is only possible if you give proper attention at the very first warning signs and symptoms. Diabetes kills more number of people than AIDS and breast cancer do, combined.

An ADA volunteer must fulfill the following three responsibilities:

Extending care – the best support that can be given to a diabetic is proper care and attending him/her regularly. Give as much time to the diabetics, as possible.

Eliminate discrimination – get rid of the prejudices and misassumptions about the disease to improve the outlook of the society towards the diabetics, who are also the part of the society with equal status.

Social involvement – volunteers are expected to show courage of protesting against the reduction in funding for the research for finding a cure or better treatments for the disease, and looking after the patients. They must also be determined to stand against any law that violates rights of the patients, by any law-enforcing body.

How to become a volunteer for the American Diabetes Association?

You must register online or preferably at the nearest American Diabetes Association branch from your home to become a Diabetes Advocate. Just keep it straightforward and help others by raising awareness about the disease, among the public. Let the people know about the symptoms of the disease, proper treatment advices, as well as dangerous consequences of the disease, if left untreated. These will be more than enough helpful contributions for American Diabetes Association.


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