High Blood Pressure Symptoms Causes Diet Treatment

Because it matters…Heart disease awareness


Dr.Armughan Riaz
M.B.B.S, Dip Card
Consultant Cardiologist


Which is Potassium Rich Food for High Blood Pressure

Which is Potassium Rich Food for High Blood Pressure, Fruits like apple, strawberries, oranges, bananas and several types of melons are good sources of potassium. Besides fruits, potassium can also be taken from vegetables like carrots, beans, potatoes, broccoli

Which is Potassium Rich Food for High Blood Pressure

 Potassium is an essential mineral for the proper functioning of our bodies. It maintains the fluid levels in the body and keeps our muscles and heart working efficiently. It is also very beneficial in controlling blood pressure because it helps the kidneys in filtering sodium out of the body. People with low sodium in their blood have a controlled blood pressure. This is why doctors recommend hypertension patients to take potassium rich foods along with their medications to lower blood pressure, thus saving them from heart disease and stroke. It has been observed that consuming potassium rich foods can lower the risk of stroke by 38%. Hence, it is important to maintain an appropriate level of potassium in the body.


Potassium Rich Food for High Blood Pressure

In case of potassium deficiency, a person might experience irregular heart beat, diarrhea, muscle cramps and weakness. Fruits like apple, strawberries, oranges, bananas and several types of melons are good sources of potassium. Besides fruits, potassium can also be taken from vegetables like carrots, beans, potatoes, broccoli and green vegetables like spinach. Beef, lamb, chicken and turkey also contain proteins that have potassium in them.

The recommended daily dosage of potassium

can also be fulfilled with mineral supplements. However, one must keep in mind that too much of potassium can cause serious problems. Hence, the best way is always the natural way. When so many foods contain potassium, then it is better to avoid supplements. Discuss this with your doctor who will be able to tell you what your daily requirement of potassium and other minerals or vitamins is. Finding out the mineral content of foods you consume is not difficult. Make a chart of the meals you take daily and see whether they contain all the necessary nutrients or not. Then accordingly, you can plan your next meals. Make sure that you are not taking any mineral excess as this too can be dangerous. Your health is all about maintaining balance in the body.


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