High Blood Pressure Symptoms Causes Diet Treatment

Because it matters…Heart disease awareness


Dr.Armughan Riaz
M.B.B.S, Dip Card
Consultant Cardiologist


rognosis for High Blood Pressure | Hypertension Prognosis

Prognosis for High Blood Pressure, Maintaining blood pressure is very important as it ensures that we are safe from various complicated diseases like heart disease, kidney problems and stroke.

Prognosis for High Blood Pressure | Hypertension Prognosis

 Blood is the key to life and its balance is essential for our bodies to function properly. Blood pressure is the force with which heart pumps blood and the resistance of the arteries against its flow. Maintaining blood pressure is very important as it ensures that we are safe from various complicated diseases like heart disease, kidney problems and stroke.

Hypertension is another name for high blood pressure. When blood pressure is more than 120/80, then it is considered to be high. This condition needs to be treated immediately or it can lead to further health problems. It is caused by poor diet, narcotic abuse, kidney disease and certain prescription drugs.

There are two basic types of hypertension- primary and secondary. The most common type of hypertension is primary and it develops gradually. Secondary hypertension is more dangerous than primary because it appears suddenly and at a higher level. The symptoms of hypertension include tightness in the chest, an irregular heart beat, vision changes or experiencing confusion. These symptoms appear only when blood pressure is dangerously high.

Treating hypertension is vital. A doctor will prescribe medication for the lowering of blood pressure. He would also suggest monitoring blood pressure levels frequently. The patients with secondary hypertension will be recommended to take an ECG (electrocardiogram) measure the electrical activity in the heart.

There are many lucky patients who are able to control their blood pressure with lifestyle modifications, like eating low sodium meals, exercising and taking little medication.

The prospects for hypertension patients are very good. They can live healthy, long lives if they follow some basic rules:
•    Go to the doctor immediately if any of the hypertension symptoms appear.
•    Follow the doctor’s orders.
•    Inform him of any side effects of medication so he can make changes.
•    Keep regular appointments with the doctor.
•    Avoid adding too much salt in meals.
•    Drink alcohol in very small quantities.
•    Quit smoking.
•    Stay away from addictive substances such as marijuana. It can lead to anxiety disorder which can aggravate hypertension.
•    After checking with the doctor, plan out an exercise routine.
•    Lose weight.

Following these simple rules would ensure that you do not miss out on the pleasure of life and live as well as you can despite having hypertension.


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